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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Product Review: Bye Bye Blackheads

Ah, the elusive perfect complexion.
Who doesn't want flawless skin?

I sure do, and like most girls with blackheads, I'll try anything to get rid of them! XD
So, I'm quite happy to report that I found 2 products that are effective!
The best part is that they are available online :D Yay!

Shiseido Blackhead Mask RM1/packet | Narakashiwa Nose Pack RM12/tube

As you can see, both products are extremely affordable. :D
They are both in sticky liquid form, and this is how they work:

Similar to the pictures above, just stick on the "gel" and when it dries, peel it off easily!

And here are my embarrassing actual photos of the
Shiseido Mask (black) and Narakashiwa (white) when applied
- don't laugh ya! XD

Bye bye blackheads, just like that! Use them about 2-3 times a week,
and you can see the vast amount of blackheads and whiteheads that are removed.
I've been using these products for over 3 months and didn't develop skin irritation or side effects.

Because I have both products, I like to alternate between them or use both at the same time (like in the picture above on the right!). They both serve the same purpose, but different people will prefer different ones.

Product 1: Shiseido Blackhead Mask
Available at: Quinn
Price: RM1 per packet

My personal review:
  • Very effective in removing blackheads and combating acne.
  • Advised to use only on nose area, although you can also use it on your whole face (like this) and when you peel it off, it looks like this.
  • Very nice fragrance when applying the gel.
  • Each packet can be used 5 times if you only use it for your nose - fold it back and tie it up/seal it then refrigerate to keep it for later use.
  • Don't leave the mask on for too long in case it dries your skin up TOO much, so please peel it off in upwards direction as soon as it's dry!
  • There is a lot of controversy online about whether or not these masks are "Shiseido"/fake products, so I enquired with different sellers about the matter. The truth is that Shiseido used to manufacture this product, but they stopped production many years ago. There are, however, manufacturers who continue to produce this blackhead mask - and some are better quality than others. In this particular case, Quinn's supplier is her personal friend who imports these masks - and the packaging is noticeably better than the ones available in local nightmarkets. The manufacturer is using the same formula that Shiseido used, it's just that it is no longer directly linked to the Shiseido name.
  • Please note that if you are very concerned about authenticity, you may prefer to try the Narakashiwa alternative which is 100% authentic to its Korean brand. This is a stronger product compared to Narakashiwa, it's more drying and it removes more blackheads.

Product 2: Narakashiwa Nose Mask
Available at: PrettyLicious Babes
Price: RM12 per tube

My personal review:
  • This is effective in removing blackheads and whiteheads.
  • 100% original and made in Korea. It is sold in supermarkets all over the world from RM5-RM20. Being sold online caters to people who do not have time or means to access physical retail locations.
  • It uses the same "apply the gel, wait for it to dry, peel it off" method as the Shiseido blackhead mask reviewed above.
  • The physical difference is that this Narakashiwa mask smells less fragrant - but not a bad smell either, just normal facial product smell - and it dries faster, so you have to apply it faster too. The Shiseido is softer, more liquified, and can even drip if you apply too much. That doesn't happen with the Narakashiwa.
  • What I particularly like about the Narakashiwa is that it comes in tube form, which I find very easy for storage - medicine cabinet! - and neater in usage.
  • I like to use this for other areas of my face too, to cover one particular zit or maybe my chin area. XD It's easy to use, and one bottle has so much, hehe.

  • After using either product, wash your face clean and apply toner/moisturizer immediately. This is very important so that your skin doesn't get too dry.
  • Also, do NOT use these products everyday. Maximum is 3 times a week! :)
  • Discontinue usage if you get any skin irritation or rashes, just in case you are allergic.

Now that you know the different characteristics of each product, you can make a more informed decision on which one you'd like to try! :D My recommendation would be to try both for the first month. Then, pick your favourite and stock up for long term usage! :)

Please leave a comment below if you've tried either product before. We'd love to hear your feedback! :D

Happy Shopping!
Your Shopping Kaki :)

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