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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The real math of shopping.

As someone studying stuff along the lines of Liberal Arts, there's little reason for me to do any math. So, I like to think of shopping as a way to keep my mathematical brain cells alive, because we're all familiar with the arithmetic of shopaholicism.
For example:
RM35 + RM4 = RM39 = Kimono top shipped via Pos Ekspres
Now, what if we radically changed the law of how math works - and you spend less when you buy more? Welcome to the true arithmetic of shopping. :D

Here's the deal. The four golden rules of shopping at Snazzy Sally:
Now, this is math that even I will enjoy! :D

Some clothes from Snazzy Sally:

Some clothes from Snazzy Sales:

*Click here to visit Snazzy Sally!*

Happy Shopping!
Your Shopping Kaki :)

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