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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Public Service Advertorial

Calling all shopping kaki!

With the outbreak of the H1N1 Flu Virus, hygiene is more important than ever.
Not that it wasn't important before, but... lol, you get what I mean!

Anyway, back to the point!

This is a public service advertorial to send out a message to the online shopping community:

Please Wash Your Hands...
It Can Save Your Life.

The perfect anti-bacterial soap to use?

PattyBelle's Cypress A-Yuan Soap!

Cypress grows on mountains stretching as high as 1,800m to 2,800m above sea level.
It secretes an essential oil that has a powerful ability to kill bacteria.
Works well for acne, pimple, nappy rash, bed sore, erythema, sebum secretion,
itchy scalp, skin inflammation, allergic skin and athlete's foot;
also kills bacteria, stops itchiness and heals wounds.

Taiwan yellow cypress, juniper oil, cedar, beeswax, olive oil, canola oil, palm oil, coconut oil

As you can see, it's 100% organic and good for you!
My mum loves A-Yuan soap, so this is one of those "My mother says so" things. ;)

So, at only RM29.50 and with free shipping...

It's so worth it.

Also worked out a sweet promotion for readers of this blog:
free samples of other A-Yuan soaps!

Stay healthy while shopping! :)

Happy Shopping!
Your Shopping Kaki :)

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