By Sabrina (Guest Blogger)
Product: Rohto V Arctic Eye Drops
From: Supermodel's Secrets
Price including delivery: RM48 (WM) | RM51 (EM)
From: Supermodel's Secrets
Price including delivery: RM48 (WM) | RM51 (EM)
intr.v. chick•ened Slang
To act in a cowardly manner;
Sentence example: My friends, despite being insanely excited to try the Rohto V eyedrop, chickened out of trying them after seeing my eyes squint shut and water and hearing me yell out, “Argh my eyes please just make it stop!”
But then again, I think they must have forgotten what dramatic reactions I’m known to have :P
I think Rohto V’s arrival on our shores is one of the most exciting in awhile simply because it’s the only one of its kind (that I know of). I remember reading about a “secret weapon” that supermodels used and swore by, an eye drop that whitens the whites of your eyes to a sparkly white and I was so intrigued. It just sounded so out there.
Over the years it’s slid from my mind, but then when Michelle brought these in I was so excited! Well actually, my friends were super excited because apparently they said that brighter eyes were scientifically more attractive to the opposite sex, and it gives them the impression of seeing right through your eyes, yada yada - I just smiled in amusement and teasingly said "I hope they don’t see through my eyes to the girl behind me". But they didn't back down. And enthusiasm is infectious. :P Which is why by the time I was roped in to review the Rohto V, I found myself squealing in excitement when the parcel arrived at my doorstep! *cue bloodshot eyes and girly scream*
I have no recollection of the thought processes as I tore open the package to try it, but I do remember my thoughts as I twisted the cap off and leaned back and started the process: *squeezing* why isn’t this little glass tubey thingy doing anything?? *squirts out* AAAAARGHH MY EYES!! *uses fingers to pry and keep the lids open to poor success* (please take note though I have the lowest pain threshold out of any single person I’ve ever met, if you pinch me I will cry).
Amidst the girly screams and flailing arms, I finally gave in and closed my lids as my body was begging me to. And then I had my first eyegasm. Apparently I was supposed to keep my eyes closed anyway, LOL. My eyes were still watering but I had Mentos in my eyes. The nicest cooling menthol feeling that I never thought my eyes were cut out to experience. I kept it shut and enjoyed the feeling for an extra five minutes for good measure (you don’t have to shut them that long) and when I opened them again, joy! It was like a magic eye fairy scooped out my bloodshot eyeball, dunked it in bleach and plopped it back in again, squeezing it into place. (I can see you squirming reading that masochist sentence :P) But really, the best part was how refreshed I felt – the feeling you get after a shower, and eating mint candy, centered on your eyes.
Amidst the girly screams and flailing arms, I finally gave in and closed my lids as my body was begging me to. And then I had my first eyegasm. Apparently I was supposed to keep my eyes closed anyway, LOL. My eyes were still watering but I had Mentos in my eyes. The nicest cooling menthol feeling that I never thought my eyes were cut out to experience. I kept it shut and enjoyed the feeling for an extra five minutes for good measure (you don’t have to shut them that long) and when I opened them again, joy! It was like a magic eye fairy scooped out my bloodshot eyeball, dunked it in bleach and plopped it back in again, squeezing it into place. (I can see you squirming reading that masochist sentence :P) But really, the best part was how refreshed I felt – the feeling you get after a shower, and eating mint candy, centered on your eyes.
Can you look through the windows of my souls better now
after the Rohto V-induced ehem, window cleaning? :P
It definitely rids of all redness of my eyes, and I feel like the whites of my eyes are whiter, too. Although to be fair when I did the one-eye comparison test (used it on one eye only) and asked my brother which side was whiter and he keeps saying the “control” eye was, not the side in which I used the Rohto V. (But then again, aren’t 8 percent of males colour-blind? That could probably explain it, haha!) Or perhaps I asked him too soon after using, because I do notice that after using the eye drops, my eyes will be a lot more watery and redder than before, but give it time and it’ll be worth it :D By the way I just have to mention that when I tested it on him, his response and girly screams far surpassed mine.
chick•enn.a. The common domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) or its young.b. My cowardly, possibly colour-blind brother.
My friends really enjoy it though – so the dear Rohto V drops have been passed on to those who appreciate it more. By appreciate, I really actually mean addicted. She says it really wakes her up first thing in the morning. It stings her to life *facepalm* It’s worrying, but she can’t stop using it every few hours. Literally, without any of my dramatic exaggerations. Readers, please don’t do this! For me, every time I used it was better and more tolerable than the last, and I can see how once you've passed the 5-times usage mark you'd be tempted to reach for it when your eyes are dry and when you're feeling sleepy and when you're bored and...
By the way, the packaging itself is way cute and just nice to add to the junk stashed in your handbag. I’m addicted to the twisty-clicky cover, clicking it open and clicking it shut. Haha. Rohto V actually has 4 lines in different levels of intensity – Hydra, Cool, Ice and Arctic. Cool combines redness relief with a gentle cooling sensation, with Artic being the most intense formula for red relief that they have. According to their official website, Arctic revives strained, overworked eyes and relieves redness with a more intense "pick me up" sensation. As far as I know though, Supermodels Secrets only carries the Arctic version :)
Note: Please please please don’t make a habit out of using this too much! It’s fine for those rare special occasions when you feel like you need those extra bright eyes for a boost, but definitely don’t use it every few hours everyday! These aren’t your usual lubricating eyedrops!
And if you’re a contact lens wearer, be sure to wait AT LEAST 15 minutes before putting them on for the drops to dissipate from the ocular surface – I guess that’s the downer for this eye drop. I’m sure most of the ones interested in it are the contact lens wearers because wearing them tend to dry out the eyes and make them creepily bloodshot, but if you plan on using them in the morning, factor in about 20 minutes for your getting-ready time. You could use that time to put on your face, it’s all about time management :) Oh and if you’re going to carry them around in your handbag for when you need them, make sure you bring along your solution and contact lens case too since they’re going to have to stay in the case for about 15 minutes (20 to be safe.) Do not under any circumstance use they eyedrops with your lens still on! And I really wouldn’t recommend using them when you have conjunctivitis or pinkeye.
But on the bright side –brighter eyes. LOL!
Warnings: For external use only. Ask a doctor before use if you have narrow angle glaucoma. When using this product: Do not touch tip of container to any surface to avoid contamination Replace cap after each use Do not use if solution changes color or becomes cloudy Overuse may cause more eye redness Pupils may become enlarged temporarily Remove contact lenses before using Stop use and ask a doctor if: you feel eye pain. changes in vision occur. Redness or irritation of the eyes lasts Condition worsens or lasts more than 72 hours Keep out of reach of children. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away. Use only if imprinted carton overwrap with ROHTO is intact at time of purchase.
For the soon-to-be addicts reading this article, do comment below once you’ve had your first eyegasm, I’d love to hear all about it! :D Perhaps my friends will team up to make a Rohto Fan Club - every person who's tried my eye drops have become converts! Well except my brother, of course. ;P
“Whatever you did last night... Your eyes won’t give it away!”
Supermodel's Secrets Beauty Store"
SS Gallery: 1st Floor, 41A, Jalan SS 15/4B, Subang Jaya
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Blog : http://www.supermodels-
1 comment:
i regularly read your site and love how you always write about steal deals or the latest trends, however, this is one trend that you shouldn't encourage.
these drops are used by junkies to hide their red eyes from illicit drug use and the occasional person who partied hard before attending an interview.
however, it will now be abused by young girls, who'd do anything to sparkle, glisten, glow and generally get people to tell them how pretty they look.
you see, one of the active ingredients in these drops help remove redness by constricting the vessels. HOWEVER, with chronic use/ stopping use, there can be a rebound effect, where the vessels vasodilate --> red eyes.
i hope you don't mind me saying this. it's just that health should always comes first, and more important than the eyes looking good, they should function too.
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