Product Review: BUMPITS!
By Cynthia Lee (Guest Blogger)
By Cynthia Lee (Guest Blogger)
When I was in primary One, I wanted to be a teacher. Teachers have the biggest influence in my life. They seem to be the most intelligent being I have ever met. I was fascinated that they have made me realise there the knee and the hand is two different part on a human body. Yes, that was my level of intelligence when I was in Primary One.
Along the way, I got myself into this glamorous industry where most of the people I met are dainty, wear kaftans, have high poufed up hair, fully made up, fully adorned with artificial and non-artificial jewellery. And they loves compliments from people around. Oh! And you don't call them by their name of Sharifah, Farah or whatsoever.
Welcome to the world of Datin-hood =D
where all hair are puffy, all dresses are colorful, all make up are to the max and all pictures are irritating =P
Rosie Phua colorful to the max top from SurvivalStore
CHIC-checkered top and blood-red ring by SurvivalStore
Leopard scarf-tied as top by Beautiful Disaster
and puffed up hair gadget, BUMPITS by SuperModelSecrets
The Hair
From the minister's wife to the wife of the socialites around, who does not have poufed hair? So, is only right that I need to be spotted with the right kinda hair that all Datins have. But I am still in my youth zone and I can't be spotted with a bee-hive yet! So I opted for my Datin Diva hair ala Beyonce :)
Which do you prefer? The flat hair or the 'try-to-emulate-Beyonce' hair?
Oh! Before the creation of this marvellous plastic set of device, I am always spotted with my 'Simply-Samurai' mini bun which costs 50 cents to bun up with a rubberised hairband. And by the end of a 15-minute session it will normally collapse. There goes my Datin image ...
The simply-samurai-bun
Some basic items required in creating some contour to your hairstyle:
A set of Bumpits sold at a very reasonable rate of RM24 (with postage fees inclusive!),
some hair clips and hair spray of course ;)
And some basic skills of messing up hair is useful too by the way :)

spray withair freshener hairspray to strengthen the shape and form
some hair clips and hair spray of course ;)
And some basic skills of messing up hair is useful too by the way :)
comb, comb, comb | part, comb and slip in the bumpit | pin to secure
Always remember to take the comb out after securing the bumpit and combing hair over it to conceal. Do not leave it unattended. Though I personally think it looked great.

spray with
tie all excess hair up and create one big mess like shown to create.. texture?
see the bump already?
see the bump already?
And then you are free to clip, clip, clip, twist and clip more to your desired style. use any recycled bracelet, ribbons, sash or anything that suits your taste and adorn before serving.
neat bun | messy bun adorn with sequinned strap used for clothes | messy bun with bracelet
leave the bump standing tall and free from accessories for a more vain Datin feel!
You see! Even Wilma of Flintstones too uses bumpits to bump up her flat hair! =P
- Never compare the style you want to achieve with all the visuals of 'mat-salleh' models you see online or anywhere else.
- There have been laments that the bumpits doesn't work. Of course it won't work if you have no hair, or lack of it (which can be resolved by getting extension or wigs). But given the presence of proper accesories like bobby pins and hairspray (I do not condone air freshener or Shieldtox) and a steady hand and determination to vain yourself to the max, it will work out fine!
- Of course, it will also help greatly if you have inherited some extra skills like flower arrangement or bonsai-trimming skills, which can later be used to further decorate your crown ;)
- After all, I don't think those 'mat-salleh' beehive styles are styles that we can adapt to in our humid tropical weather. Even if you can achieve that, make sure you leave the house in your own transport, and not linger around in public area discreetly. Seriously, some naughty boys may throw stuff into your bee-hive hair! Like gums, twigs, anything!
All step-by-step processes as shown above are personal interpretation of Datin Diva with inspiration from Wilma Flinstones and Beyonce Knowles. The outcome when tested on different individual with different skills, creativity and ingredients may differ. And please do not attempt to spray with air freshener and Shieldtox as warned repetitively. Any self-inflicted hazards are to be borne by yourself :P
Click HERE to get your own set now!
And perhaps share with me what have you achieved later? Please?
And perhaps share with me what have you achieved later? Please?
And if you so willingly follow their blog ardently,
you may stand a chance to win yourself a Bumpits
or some other interesting gifts too, like g-strings ;)
+6016 280 1990 (SMS/Whatsapp)
you may stand a chance to win yourself a Bumpits
or some other interesting gifts too, like g-strings ;)
*Supermodel's Secrets Beauty Store"
SS Gallery: 1st Floor, 41A, Jalan SS 15/4B, Subang Jaya
Website :
Happy Shopping!
Cynthia a.k.a Guest Blogger for YSK
Edited by YourShoppingKaki :)
hI~first time visit to your blog^^
I am interested in hair accessories because my long straight hair is so dull but I couldn't find cheap 'bumppit' in the market. And currently i am looking for long wigs (I can find the search bar in your blog...) Did you post anything about wig before?
Hi Jessyca! :)
Hey, welcome to YSK! :D Hmm I've never reviewed wigs before - I haven't come across any in my online shopping so far, but I think my friend found one and mentioned the link on the chatbox (see sidebar) :D
I think Supermodel Secrets may be bringing in wigs soon though! :)
You can also get wigs in
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