Product Review: Balo Slimming Gel & Tummy Trimmer
By Cynthia Lee (Guest Blogger)
Hello! It's great to be able to write again and show people my flabs, I mean the fabulous products available online to quench the ever thirsting desire of every girls to look good ;)
For the past few weeks, I have been busy preparing for the KL Marathon 2010 (done), looked forward to go to Urbanscapes (done), hoping to have enough funding to go to Paris for the coming Who's Next in Paris 2010 (still hoping). This is getting more irrelevant!
Yes, another review on vanity products for us girls ;) Who can have enough of lip balms to plump up the chapped lips, mascara to intensify the sultry stare, boob pads to give a perky chest, BB cream of course, to give an instant glow to the face and the list goes on! So is the search! ;)
Do you see something familiar here?
The extra cellulites and the bottle of HOT stuff ;)
I am sure most of us cellulite-concerned beings have at least once if not many times stopped at a section in the local pharmacy checking out an array of creams or teabags that promises to kill the cellulites or reduce your dress size. Though some may not believe in the effectiveness, I am sure there is at least a one cent credibility to each products that it actually works. You only need to give it a try :) After all, I don't think there are THAT many manufacturers who will bottle up mud and claim that it will make u slimmer if it doesn't bring at least a 0.05% of result ;)
I've tried a RM99 bottle of gel that claims to reduce the size of my thigh, tummy and all other targeted areas. If done persistently, yeah, in fact it does work. That was 6 years back. The variety of products have expanded so much now (6 years from the time I got my first slimming gel) and price have been getting more competitive that buying a slimming gel nowadays is like buying a bottle of moisturising lotion.
Yili Balo Slimming Gel
I have managed to get a bottle of this slimming gel from Supermodel's Secrets to try out. For RM35 a tube of 250ml (with postage), no harm to give it a try and see if it really works. If it doesn't, can always consider as slapping on moisturising gel onto body =D
As at now, I am only in the very first week of slapping on the gel and won't be able to tell you much about it, but for sure it's hot for the first time application. However it's less hot after several times of application. Or maybe my massaging technique ain't correct (afterall, I am quite lazy). But I do notice that after a night sleep with the cream massaged on, it does promote excretion =D (this is by no chance implying that it's a massage-on laxative)
However, I would reckon that the effect differs from every individuals due to many external factors like the wrong application technique, differences in metabolic rates and such. And you won't know unless you get hold of a tube yourself from Supermodel's Secrets. It comes in a 250ml and 85ml tube for those of you who are still unsure of it, but still want to give it a try. RM19 with postage inclusive for a 85ml tube, what else can you ask for? Definitely worth a try.
Gel asides, for those of you who want immediate visible results, there's this piece of brown cloth that you can have a try too from Supermodel's Secrets.
The piece of brown cloth =D
"LOOK 10 POUNDS SLIMMER" - I don't know how much is 10 pounds, or how is it being derived from. This is certainly not a device to slim you down by reducing your weight from a 55kgs to 50kgs. For THAT, you may need daily exercise routine planned out to be complimented with a healthy diet. However, if you need a quick solution to conceal the excess flabs due to overconsumption of cupcakes and muffins, you have 2 choices for consideration - stay in the room and do not leave unless there is no one around. Or to try putting on the brown piece of cloth I have been talking about ;)
If you read from Supermodel's Secrets own verdict, you will know that generally it helps to alleviate 'muffin rolls' (a symptom derived from overconsumption of muffins especially those with blueberry and corns!). No! That's not the exact definition of muffin rolls =P I just made it up.
In case you are not well versed with what's muffin rolls, let me show some disgraceful picture of mine to further explain the after effect of a not very healthy diet.
Yup, the rolls and extra bulges that you so want to diminish ;(
However, taking into consideration of different body sizes and shapes, suitability varies on different shapes and sizes. While it may work on a dress for you, it does not work as well on me. It's effectiveness is more visible when I wore it with my jeans over a top.In a way, it does help to eliminate the extreme visibility of the bulge created when wearing an extremely fitted jeans as shown below. It didn't alter my size from a size 12 to size 10, but merely smoothen out the unsightful bulges along the waistline of the jeans and the spilling bulges ;)
For RM30 a piece, it's a rather affordable item to try out. Though it is literally labelled as tummy trimmer, it doesn't necessarily means it works only on the tummy. No harm trying it on the abs, the chest or even as a skirt underlining to give smoother appearance.
Pink dress paired with fitted jeans and tummy trimmer underneath the top. Tummy trimmer worn on 2nd and 3rd picture.
All in all, I would like to deduce that while it's every girls' dream to have the perfect silhouette, sometimes things just doesn't turn out as expected. But then again, that is no reason for those with a slightly distorted silhouette or plus sizers to shun the world outside and not let the world know of your existence. If you think you are good enough, then you simply are good enough to make a presence anywhere ;)
Look forward to my review on Instant Clip-On Fringe - also from Supermodel's Secrets soon! Yes, the vanity store to meet your vain needs ;)
On a random note, have a look at these badges below which I have gotten in a bazaar recently.
Button badges from Eff-Bombs. Yah yah... I have turned 30 :/
Anyway, check out the Slimming Gel and Tummy Trimmer at
Supermodel's Secrets! :D
Supermodel's Secrets Beauty Store"
+6016 280 1990 (SMS/Whatsapp)
Supermodel's Secrets! :D
Supermodel's Secrets Beauty Store"
SS Gallery: 1st Floor, 41A, Jalan SS 15/4B, Subang Jaya
Website :
Happy Shopping!
Cynthia a.k.a Guest Blogger for YSK
Edited by YourShoppingKaki
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