I have a confession to make! Although my final exams finished last week, I'm still really behind on my YSK workload - with 700 emails to reply on
linking and enquiries alone, I'm super duper sorry if you emailed me and I haven't replied yet, because my unread emails that I need to reply date back to October 12th! :(
Pretty pretty please don't email us blogshop updates - it's actually in our cutesy "House Rules" tab on the sidebar that we only review directly from blogrolls. Again, I'm sorry to have to ask this of you! :( The main reason is because of the massive backlog of emails that keeps growing, but we promise to finish all "Link Me" emails from October 12th to November 21st 2010 by the end of this year :)
We ask only patience of you, dearest readers :) We'll work really, really hard to fulfil as many requests as possible and help as many readers as we can! :D You'll love the blog posts we have in store - they just take time to write! :D Ooooh and not to mention the upcoming launch of
our new affiliate blog, which will be a platform for online shoppers to resell items bought online! :)
Launch date: December 1st 2010.
In the meantime, here's a review on 8 pieces I just had to write! :D
From White Circus RM75 | RM75 | RM52
Hats off to this blogshop - not only do they take detailed pictures of each clothing,
they also style them in pictures such as the above! :) It's pretty inspiring -
and the clothes themselves are so unique! Their
Nude Collection is especially awesome.
There are so many more gorgeous clothes in-store that you HAVE to go see!
From Snazzy Sally RM38 | RM28 | RM35
Boy, did their latest update catch me off guard and impress the socks off yours truly!
Gorgeous, exclusive pieces imported from Bangkok to light a flame under local designs -
a bit of healthy competition is always good for online shoppers! :D
And at these amazingly affordable prices? I'm blown away!
Again, plenty more in-store that you HAVE to go see.
From Korean Fashion Station 17900 Won (+/- RM113) | 8900 Won (+/- RM81)
I thought I'd highlight my personal favourite Korean webstore to you - Flora! :D
They produce high-quality clothes inspired by what our favourite celebs are wearing now :P
And they come up with these reproductions pretty darn fast!

From Room8008 RM49
I have a thing for boxy bags :P These fit the bill in such an elegant way!
Pastel pink, corporate black or sleek white - these will brighten up a dull day at the office :D
Happy Shopping!
Your Shopping Kaki :)