Oh yes!! A brand new year to look forward to.
Happy 2015 girls! What is your resolution for this new year which has just begun?
This year, I am determined to lead a healthier lifestyle, shed some pounds off and of course hoping to maintain being fabulous and all =D
I can't do or write much about the inner beauty, but there's loads to talk about enhancing the outer part =P
Like any other year, one of my all-time resolution is to constantly remind myself that image is everything! Especially when you are in the sales and marketing line. I shall not deny my reliance on cosmetics. And lots of them actually =D
Welcome to the world of Supemodels' Secrets. In this case, welcome to My Secrets - of looking better than my 'natural' self.
So, what do you think that these products can do?
Don't you just love the
eye shadow palette?
With lots of hard work, sheer determination and practices to improve your artistic skills, these products can do wonders to give you a perk to your not-so-glamour look!
As much as I advocate Being Yourself and Loving Who You Are, there really is nothing wrong in giving yourself that much needed help when you are not able to shine bright (like a diamond) in your natural skin. And there are times when we just lack that certain features, like sparse eyebrow that just needed alil' bit of help in the make up department to help you open up your eyes (so you can shine bright like a diamond!)
Here's some Before and After picture that may scare ya!
I have had better 'Before' picture, but little can I deny that the stress of work have taken a toll on my oh-so-beautiful skin. And no, it's no longer oh-so-beautiful.
Which ya prefer? Before or After?
Makeup. You either love it - because it's gonna enhance your features like a Kim K or hate it because of the amount of time you need to invest on it before stepping out of the house and still not perfecting your Picasso skills.
Me? I love it. I need it.
I am going to share some of my favourite which I have picked up from my all time favourite online stores. And yes, why bother to go out and get jammed up in a mall when you can attain the supermodels' secrets to hotness from a click at home?
Like it's name, it's basically a primary step before you divulge your effort into any form of make up. It is especially important for those with combination and oily skin to prime their skin properly before applying makeup. Primer helps to ensure that your makeup application stay longer and smudge lesser compared to a non-primed skin.
In this case, an eye primer gets the skin around your eyes to be ready for any colors application. For those with oily eyelids, there is a tendency to have the eye shadow smudged after 2 hours of application. Hence it's really important to set a good base for your eye shadow by applying a layer of primer for the color to sit on and this prolongs the eye shadow application.
This ELF Mineral Eyeshadow primer comes with an applicator which to me isn't that important as I normally will blend it in with my finger. With the mineral components, you can expect the texture to be silky smooth, and allows your eyeshadow to glides on smoothly.
The 88 colors makeup eye shadow palette is the only palette you will need to invest as the amount of colors it has is more than enough to paint your eyes throughout the year, you can even paint some pictures on art papers! For RM59 this is a great deal!
I am a fan of brown, brown and more brown. When I do wear black then I actually match that with black eyeshadow for that more 'mystically mysterious' look. LOL!
Occasionally I do have some streaks of lilac or orange for that out-of-the ordinary look. So, it's always good to have a complete palette that comes with all colors instead of the regularly used ones :)
This.... dear girls, is the secret to my thick and lush brows!
I actually got to tried this out before I knew Supermodels Secrets were selling it too.
It consist of 2 mini palette with one side of it in cream form (they call it gel though), and another side in powder from (like eye shadow in texture, but fluffier). The trend now is thick and intense brow, and this is the perfect tools to achieve the look. Of course, if you are very used to lean and slim eyebrow, you can do so too. You just need to spend less time drawing strokes to get a leaner shape.
Start with the cream part using the definer brush with hard bristle. I guess it is hard as you need to define your shape before filling it in.
The cream is light when applied on and doesn't stain you like a magic pen. All you need is to intensify your strokes to achieve whichever thickness preferred. It's great to be used to draw the sharper edges at the end of your brow.
Use the softer side of the brush and dab on the brown powder and apply throughout the brow where you have earlier drawn. The addition of the brow powder helps to tone down the hard edges created from the cream application. At the same time, it helps a lot to set the brow.

All of the above brows are achieved with the wonder
ELF Eyebrow Kit (RM25.00)
I wish I could do a video based make up tutorial (and shot up to fame!) but my lacking of editing skills is not going to make that happen. Here's some pictures to sum up why why why I cannot live without these magical invention!

Half the face done up. See how make up can enhance and bring out your feature and give life!
I actually used a contour palette too, which I did not talk about here because I wanted to do a separate one about
CONTOURING. Omg! The greatest invention!

On the left : bareface people must always compliment with a smile, else you will look horrible ok!
On the right : with layers of Missha BB cream loose powder, contour powder, eyeshadow, eyebrow liner, eyeliner and a smirk ;)

Here's a closer look at how the ELF Eyebrow Kit is oh-so-natural. Yes! My favourite item from the entire loots!
You may disagree with me and my reliance on these aesthetic products, but it sure is part of my life that I can't live without. While at the same time I do wish to have a better complexion that can go au-naturel, I personally feels that makeups are equally as important. It is not necessarily sued to alter your look, but instead use it to define your personality and bringing out whatever feature that you want to world to see. I mean, you can have great skin and all but sparse eyebrow almost to none. So it really doesn't do any harm for one to want to frame that bright pair of eyes with some defined brows.
Where we live in this world full of expectation, sometimes the reality does hurt (a lil' bit).
Where the world expect you to bring out your very best, there are times when we are more comfortable to go lean. Whichever and whatever is expected from you, I would advise that you be yourself.

80% of my time comes loaded with lots of products. And I use the 20% on days when I just couldn''t be bothered. Whichever way it is, I am Me.
While you go soul-searching, I would suggest you to go browse my all time favourite site - the heaven for all girls!
Supermodels Secrets
Happy Getting Beautiful!
by Cynthia Lee
Edited by YourShoppingKaki